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Neptune’s subsidiary, Mammossix received a commendation from the Ministry of SMEs and Startups

Neptune's subsidiary VR software developer Mammossix (CEO Charles Yoo) announced on the 29th that it had received a commendation from the Ministry of SMEs and Startups at the '2021 Venture Startup Promotion Award'.

The Venture Startup Promotion Contribution Award is an event held annually since 1999 by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups to discover and encourage outstanding venture companies and startups that have contributed to the development of the venture startup ecosystem and innovative growth. It rewards individuals and organizations that have contributed to job creation and economic growth through venture, investment, and startup revitalization. The award in the venture business category selects venture companies with excellent technological and management innovation capabilities and excellent external competitiveness.

Mammossix was recognized for its contribution to national competitiveness in the future industry by introducing the global XR metaverse service with its own technology, and received the Minister of SMEs and Startups Award in the venture business category.

In addition, ▲Preparation of XR service that enables smart tourism by converting famous domestic cities and tourist destinations including Seoul into a metaverse ▲Leading campus life service in connection with telecommunication companies and financial institutions for universities across the country ▲Preparing Thailand’s largest shopping mall group and global meta-commerce service The company explained that it received high ratings for such things.

Charles Yoo, CEO of Mammossix, said, “This award was achieved thanks to colleagues who have worked together for six years since its foundation in 2015. We will spur further development so that we can proceed with the service.”  

Mammossix is servicing 'Galaxity', a multi-access social platform developed with 'cross-platform' technology that can be accessed with any device. More than 30,000 players from 120 countries around the world enjoy various contents in a virtual space and maintain an average stay time of more than 90 minutes.

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